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Home » Engineering Services for the Berrydale Bridge Corridor Safety Improvement

Engineering Services for the Berrydale Bridge Corridor Safety Improvement

Project Description: Phase 1 work to be performed by the consultant consists of preparing a Concept Development Report and preliminary engineering design for the Berrydale Bridge Corridor Safety Improvement Project. It includes, evaluating the recommended design alternative from the County prepared Draft Planning Level Feasibility Study Report, developing and evaluating one additional alternative, recommending the preferred alternative to advance the preliminary design for structural and traffic improvements on Kent-Black Diamond Road SE.  The major features of the project are as follows. Replacing the existing Berrydale Overcrossing Bridge No. 3086OX and Jenkins Creek Culvert and improving the interconnected roadway.  Land surveying and project base map preparation. Right-of-way need determination and plan preparation. Structural design for the replacement bridges and retaining walls. Civil design for the traffic and roadway improvements. Geotechnical, environmental, hydraulic/geomorphic, and hydrologic analysis to support the design. Real property acquisition and relocation. Mitigation plan for construction and permanent impacts.

Closing Date: 
Monday, July 15, 2024
King County, WA
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