Point Roberts Economic Development Strategy Study
The Port of Bellingham is soliciting responses from qualified firms interested in providing professional infrastructure, engineering, economic, and feasibility study consulting services. We specifically are issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for qualified firms to work in partnership to conduct an economic development strategy for the Point Roberts community. Full solicitation documents can be found on our website at https://www.portofbellingham.com/bids.aspx.
Point Roberts is a beautiful pene-exclave community located in northwest Whatcom County. In order to reach Point Roberts, you must cross the Canadian border twice, which affords opportunities and challenges. Point Roberts is not an incorporated municipality and is designated as unincorporated Whatcom County with a sub-area plan, which is an important distinction for economic and business development.
Given their geographic location and isolation, COVID- 19 had a significant impact on the Point Robert’s community and economy. With the mandatory closure of the Canadian border Point Roberts citizen were cut off from most essential needs and care. Point Robert’s economy is primarily retail-based and businesses struggled to stay open and viable while being cut off from their main customer base. Many businesses applied for ARPA and small business relief grants; however, it was not enough support for many to stay open. Even as COVID-19 restrictions were being lifted, business and other activities were opening up on the mainland in Whatcom County, Point Roberts was still isolated due to the continue border closure.
Prior to COVID-19 Point Roberts was already struggling with limited resources and needed to develop a strong economic and infrastructure base. Given the fact that it is separate from US mainland a majority of its economy is reliant on the Canadian customer flow and dollar. When the Canadian dollar was strong many came to Point Roberts to fill up on gas, groceries (milk and cheese), and to collect their parcels. However, when the US dollar was stronger it had a severe impact on Point Robert’s economy. This volatility makes sustainable, long-term economic and business development and growth very difficult.
Currently, several federal programs and funding sources could be beneficial to building a resilient economy in Port Roberts. In order to access these resources, it is important for Port Roberts to have a strategy in places with identified outcome and goals for the near and long term. While the Whatcom County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) 2022-2026 covers all of Whatcom County, including unincorporated areas and pene-exclaves, additional work needs to be done in order to create a stable and sustainable economy in Point Roberts.
The Port of Bellingham will select and mange a consultant who will conduct an economic development strategy plan, that takes into consideration other existing strategies and documents, on behalf of the community of Point Roberts. The study will identify the challenges and opportunities of Point Robert’s economy. Some of those challenges include an inadequate stormwater and septic systems, zoning classification that are no longer appropriate, a strong business base, and workforce attraction and retention due to the border crossing. The deliverable will be a report that makes recommendations on how to strengthen the economic base, which includes but not limited to a well-developed priority list of needed infrastructure projects, as well as identifying potential funding sources for these projects and goals. This effort is being funded by a Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) grant and the Port of Bellingham.