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Elma Public Service Building - Advertisement for Bids


A. Sealed bids will be received for the following Project:

TITLE: City of Elma - Public Service Building City of Elma Elma, Washington

DESCRIPTION: Develop an existing, 6012 SF building into a Public Service building housing the City Police Department and Municipal Court Services.

TIME & DATE: 2:00P, Tuesday January 21, 2025 BY: City of Elma, City Council RECEIVED AT: Elma City Hall 202 W Main Street Elma, WA 98541

LOCATION OF BID OPENING: Council Chambers Elma City Hall B. All bids received shall be publicly opened and read aloud at the above time

1.02 DATES OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS A. Thursday December 26, 2024 B. Thursday January 2, 2025

1.03 FUNDING SOURCES A. This project is partially funded through the two following grants: 1. The Rural Development program with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2. A Rural Courts Security Grant with funds from the State of Washington. B. Grants Project Manager: Kristen Bryant Grant Administration Manager, Rock Project Management Services LLC 425-247-9619


A. Bidding Documents for the Work are those prepared by the Architect: Harbor Architects LLC 345 W Wishkah Aberdeen, WA 98520 (360) 532-0980
B. Bidding Documents are available online at
C. Bona fide Bidders may purchase copies of the Drawing Set only, from the office of the Architect for $4.00 per sheet.
D. Project Manuals are available by download only.
E. Bidding Documents will be available for examination during the bidding period at the following locations: Office of the Architect Office of the Owner Associated Subcontractors, Tacoma Builder’s Exchange of Washington, Everett Dodge Data and Analytics, Tacoma Contractor Plan Center Inc, Milwaukie OR

1.05 BUILD AMERICA, BUY AMERICA ACT A. This project is subject to the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) requirements under Title IX of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Pub. L. 177-58. Absent an approved waiver, all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in this project must be produced in the United States, as further outlined by the Office of Management and Budget’s regulation (reference 2 CFR 200) on the application of Buy America Preference in Federal Financial Assistance Programs for Infrastructure.


A. Addenda may be issued for the purpose of clarification and/or revision of the Project Manual and/or Drawings. Addenda will be sent to known bidders and will become part of the Contract Documents. Any costs resulting from Addenda should be included in the Bid Sum.
B. Direct all questions in writing to Monika Kuhnau AIA at the office of the Architect, email
C. Submit questions no later than Thursday, January 16th at 12:00pm. Clarifications will be included in Addenda.
D. Verbal answers and clarifications are not binding on any party.

1.07 BID GUARANTEE A. Bidders shall be bound by their bids for for (45) calendar days following the bid opening.

1.08 BID SECURITY A. A bid security, in the form of a certified check, bank cashier's check or bid bond is required with each Bid in an amount equal to (5) percent of the Base Bid, plus Additive Alternates, if any. B. Should a bidder fail to enter into an Agreement with the Owner and/or fail to furnish the bonds required by the Contract Documents within ten (10) days after his/her Bid has been accepted, the Contractor's Bid Security shall be forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages, not as a penalty.

1.09 BONDS A. Contractor shall secure, include costs therefore in the Bid, and pay for bonds issued by a bonding company with a Best’s rating of “A”, or better, and licensed to transact business in the State of Washington in Statutory Form. Liability under each of the bonds shall be 100 percent of the contract sum, including state sales tax, for: 1. Performance. 2. Labor and Material Payment. 3. One-year maintenance for correction of defective work.

1.10 PRE-BID CONFERENCE A. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 2:00 pm on Tuesday January 7, 2025, at the Project Site, 316 W Young Street, Elma WA 98541. Representatives for the Owner and the Architect will be available to answer questions. B. To be eligible to bid, all bidders must physically inspect the premises and familiarize themselves with all existing conditions.

1.11 RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA A. Bidders will be required to submit the following documents: 1. Non-Collusion Affidavit. 2. Certification Regarding Responsibility Matters. 3. Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes. 4. USDA Form AD - 1048 - Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion 5. USDA Form RD 400-6 - Compliance Statement 6. AIA Document A310, Bid Bond 7. RD Instruction 1940-Q, Certification for Contracts, Grants & Loans 8. AIA Document A305, Contractor's Qualification Statement, with all exhibits. For past project experience, contractor must provide a minimum of (3) projects which include: a. scope and complexity of a project similar to this one. b. cost of the project c. professional references for the project d. federally funded projects are preferred but not required

1.12 PREVAILING WAGE RATES A. WA State Prevailing Wage Rates: Shall apply. 1.13 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY A. Owner hereby notifies all bidders that minority and/or women owned business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this advertisement and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of religion, age, race, color, sexual identification or national origin. B. The City of Elma is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. C. This advertisement will be posted on the State Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise (OMWBE) website at

1.14 BASIS OF AWARD A. The lowest responsive bid, including selected Alternates shall be the sole basis of award.

1.15 REJECTION OF BIDS A. Owner reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids and to waive informalities. 1. Owner reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids not accompanied by bid security or data required by the bidding documents or a bid in any way incomplete or irregular. 2. Bids received after the above time and date will be returned, unopened, to the bidder.

1.16 SUBCONTRACTOR SUBMITTAL A. For Public Works contracts over $1,000,000.00, bidders must submit the names of subcontractors whose work will exceed 10% of the submitted bid price. B. The subcontractor listing need not be submitted with the bid, but it must be submitted no later than one hour after the published bid submittal time.

1.17 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A. Grant Questions: Contact Kristen Bryant: 425-247-9619. B. Work Scope Questions: Contact Monika Kuhnau: 360-532-0980, C. Deadline for Questions: 12:00 PM, Thursday January 16, 2025. Questions will not be received after this time and date, no exceptions. END OF SECTION

Closing Date: 
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Rock Project Management Services
Point of Contact: 
Adam Wilson,