City of Shoreline Bid No: 1207184 - N 148th Street Non-Motorized Bridge: Phase 2
City of Shoreline Invitation for Bids
N 148th Street Non-Motorized Bridge: Phase 2
Bid No: 1207184
Federal Aid No: RAISE-CDS-STBGUL-HLP-1169(025)
BIDS DUE BY 2:00 p.m. Pacific Local Time, on February 6, 2025
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Shoreline at the City Clerk’s Office located on the first floor of Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Avenue North, Shoreline, Washington, 98133-4905. Bids are Due No Later Than 2:00 p.m. EXACTLY, Pacific local time, according to the clock in the City Clerk’s office, on February 6, 2025, at which time bids will be opened and publicly read.
This project proposes to construct a bicycle and pedestrian bridge over Interstate 5 near N 148th St. The estimated construction cost is $16,000,000. The time for physical completion of the work is within 330 working days. Questions regarding this project may be emailed to Phone calls shall not be accepted. Questions must be received by 5:00 p.m., Pacific Local Time, on January 23, 2025.
A non-mandatory, but highly recommended, pre-bid site visit will be held on Friday, January 10, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. in the parking lot at 14724 1st Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155. Onsite parking will not be available, please plan accordingly.
This project requires: Federal minimum wage and Washington State prevailing wage payment and reporting; 1,200 hours of on-the-job training; 21% utilization goal of disadvantaged business enterprises; and Build America, Buy America provisions.
All proposals must be submitted only on the form provided with the Contract Provisions. All proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid amount, payable to the City of Shoreline. Cash will not be accepted. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the Specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive minor informalities or irregularities and to make award of the project to the responsible bidder with the lowest responsive bid, as it best serves the interest of the City. All bidding must satisfy the Terms and Conditions set forth in the Contract Documents. Irregular Proposals will be rejected in accordance with Special Provision 1-02.13.
Contract Documents may be accessed on the Bids and RFPs page of the City website, and from Builder’s Exchange of Washington (BXWA) at To access on BXWA, click on “Posted Projects”, “Public Works”, “City of Shoreline”, and “Project Bidding”. It is recommended that Bidders “Register” on the “Self-Registered Bidders List” with BXWA to be notified automatically of addendum or updates on this project. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to check for addenda and other new documents on-line. Contact BXWA at 425-258-1303 for assistance with access or registration.
The City of Shoreline, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
Published 12/26/24, 01/02/25, and 01/07/25.