City of Sammamish - Request for Qualifications (Engineering Services)
Project Name
SE 6th Street Improvement Project - Phase A
Services Requested
Civil Engineering & Design
Owner Organization
City of Sammamish
Solicitation Type
Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Project Name
SE 6th Street Improvement Project - Phase A
Project Description
The City of Sammamish Department of Public Works is soliciting interest from firms with expertise in Civil Engineering Planning and Design to complete 100% design for half of a new city street as part of the City’s Town Center development. Additional phases and construction engineering may be added later through contract negotiations.
For more information about the project, and instructions on how to view the RFQ and submit a bid, please email the Point of Contact listed below. Additional project documents including construction records, as-builts, geotechnical reports, or utility information can be provided upon request.