City of Sammamish - Request for Proposals (Transportation Services)
Project Name
Pavement Condition Survey & Management Plan
Services Requested
Civil & Transportation Engineering
Owner Organization
City of Sammamish
Solicitation Type
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Project Description
The City of Sammamish Department of Public Works is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a Pavement Condition Assessment (PCA) of the City’s roadway network, collect an inventory of right-of-way (ROW) assets, and develop a Pavement Management Plan (PMP) for the City. The PCI and asset data will be integrated into the City’s existing Geographic Information System (GIS) layers and be imported into Pavement Express and Cityworks software.
For more information about the project, instructions on how to view the RFP, and to submit a bid, please email the Point of Contact listed below. Additional project documents including construction records, GIS data, or utility information can be provided upon request.