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Home » South Whidbey SD Facilities Mod & Upgrades - HS/MS Early Bid Packages

South Whidbey SD Facilities Mod & Upgrades - HS/MS Early Bid Packages

The South Whidbey School District Facilities Modernization and Upgrades Bundle Project is scheduled for early work beginning in Summer 2025. The scope in this phase of the project will consist of the removal and replacement of the existing siding and roofing, and upgrading exterior building lighting. Bid packages out for bid at the High School/Middle School include:

  • BP 2.00 - Demolition (excluding roof - to be demo'd by roofing contractor)
  • BP 4.00 - Masonry & Precast Architecture
  • BP 6.00 - Structures, including Concrete, Steel, Framing & Sheathing*
  • BP 7.10 - Insulation & Air Barrier
  • BP 7.20 - Roofing & Roofing Demo
  • BP 7.30 - Sheet Metal & Siding
  • BP 8.00 - Aluminum Glazed Systems and Glass
  • BP 9.90 - Anti-Graffiti Coatings
  • BP 10.00 - Miscellaneous Specialties, Doors, Hardware & Frames*
  • BP 12.50 - Roller Shades

* = scopes Absher will pursue as self-perform - please contact Absher's estimating department if interested in bidding portions of this work directly to Absher.

Plans, specifications, project schedules, and bid scopes can be found on Absher's public page on Builder's Exchange of Washington:

Bid forms must be filled out as provided in the bid package documents and submitted in person, in a SEALED ENVELOPE on April 1st, per the instructions to bidders.

Please look for a separate project invite and bid schedule for the South Whidbey Elementary School packages and the High School/Middle School T.I. packages out for bid in Summer 2025. Those will be bid separate from these work scopes.

Closing Date: 
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Absher Construction Company
Point of Contact: 
Raygan Kettman <>