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Home » 1. Assessment of the comparative analyses of the design and application of NQTLs to MH/SUD benefits in self-funded employee health plans sponsored by the Washington State Health Care Authority

1. Assessment of the comparative analyses of the design and application of NQTLs to MH/SUD benefits in self-funded employee health plans sponsored by the Washington State Health Care Authority

The Washington State Health Care Authority, hereafter called “HCA,” is the state agency in Washington tasked with providing health plans to state employees, school employees, qualified Dependents, and retirees. HCA, through the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB), sponsors multiple fully insured and self-funded health plans. The self-funded health plans are administered by one (1) third-party administrator for all medical benefits and one (1) pharmacy benefit administrator for outpatient prescription drug benefits (collectively, the “TPAs”). HCA’s self-funded plans utilize the TPAs’ standard processes for the majority of the plan design, but the plans are customized in some aspects.

Closing Date: 
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Washington State Health Care Authority
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