Pension and Relief Benefit Tracking System
Find the full solicitation on Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS). Vendors not registered in WEBS will not receive updates or amendments to the solicitation, which could disadvantage your bid.
Pre-bid conference: July 12, 2022, 10:00am
Contract location: Statewide or regionally
Contract description: The Washington State Board for Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Officers (BVFF) is conducting a competitive solicitation to award a Contract to acquire contracted goods for a pension and relief benefit tracking system.
BVFF administers the Volunteer Firefighters and Reserve Officers Relief and Pension Act (RCW 41.24), including the administration of duty disability and death insurance, and pension plan benefits to 15,000 active and retired members. It supplies all forms, reviews all claims, certifies all retirements, and authorizes all payments from the Volunteer Firefighters´ and Reserve Officers´ Relief and Pension Fund.
BVFF currently manages its business using a Microsoft Access database that collects information through manual data entry by BVFF staff sources from multiple manual forms. The current system was implemented in the 1990s and does not support the modern business needs of BVFF. The current system requires duplicate entry of data, has limited reporting capabilities, and requires manual reconciliation of payments against external payment systems. In addition, the system does not provide self-service functionality to municipalities through the web.
BVFF is pursuing a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. The anticipated provider contract and SLA will ensure that software is continually compliant with the state’s IT and security standards, available, and capable of integrations which reduce and/or eliminate the need for duplicate entry. The desired solution is expected to provide the ability for municipality staff to access benefit information and support their members directly.
Commodity codes: 208-11-Application Software, Microcomputer, 208-20-Business Software, Misc.: Agenda, Labels, Mail List, Planning, Scheduling, etc., 209-11-Accounting/Financial: Bookkeeping, Billing and Invoicing, Budgeting, Payroll, Taxes, etc., 209-13-Application Software, Minicomputer, 920-03-Application Service Provider (ASP) (Web Based Hosted), 920-07-Applications Software for Microcomputer Systems: Business, Mathematical/Statistical, Medical, Scientific, etc., 920-14-Applications Software (For Minicomputer Systems), 208-80- Software, Microcomputer (Not Otherwise Classified)
Inclusion plan: None
Preference/priority points:
• Washington small businesses (50 points)
• Veteran-owned businesses (25 points)
• Executive Order 18-03 (25 points)
Solicitation documents: Solicitation documents, contacts and bid instructions are available in WEBS:
Question-and-answer period: June 27 to July 18, 2022. Submit questions or concerns about this solicitation in writing to the Procurement Coordinator: Mark Vessey at