Internal Processes
Agency processes often make working with the State more difficult by unintentionally creating barriers that prevent small minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses from accessing public contracts and procurements. Some examples of barriers are complex contract language, unnecessary requirements, and overly large contracts. Small and diverse businesses are particularly impacted by these barriers. More forward-thinking processes not only remove barriers, but also make it more inclusive for businesses that have the most difficulty participating. You can find a list of tools below to help your agency develop new processes that make contracting with Washington State easier and more equitable.
Contract Language Best Practices
Discusses contract language that agencies can use to reduce barriers for small and diverse businesses. It also suggests contract terms that show Washington’s commitment to equity and provides opportunities for diverse businesses.
Introduces unbundling and how it can be used to create meaningful opportunities for small and diverse businesses. Unbundling is breaking up large contracts into smaller parts to make it easier for small and diverse companies to participate. Unbundling also increases competition on contracts, driving down long-term costs.
Supplier Diversity Best Practices
Includes general steps for agencies to increase equity in state spending.