Subcontractor Inclusion Plans
Subcontractor inclusion plans outline commitments a contractor, vendor, or consultant will make towards the state's goal to increase spending with small and diverse businesses. They also allow collaboration with an agency to develop a comprehensive strategy to engage and identify the eligibility and availability of small and diverse businesses. Inclusion plans can be used in a wide variety of procurement types and for a wide variety of work areas. Work areas could include public works, goods and services, professional services, etc.
Subcontractor Inclusion Plans FAQ
Introduces inclusion plans and discusses how they can help small, veteran, and diverse businesses work with the government. Inclusion plans are documents in which a contractor or vendor shares their intentions to use small, veteran, and diverse businesses and lists the businesses they will use. Inclusion plans also include strategies contractors will use to engage small, veteran, and diverse businesses.
Subcontractor Inclusion Plan Guidance
Gives guidance on reviewing and assessing subcontractor inclusion plans.
Subcontractor Inclusion Plan Template
Provides a template that can be adapted to fit your procurement needs.